Tag Archives: awkward

Sidecastr covers 17 of top 25 Social TV programs in August

We must be doing something right!  As those who follow us know, Sidecastr is selective about the shows we cover, because once we cover an episode, we don’t just keep its synced social stream around for an hour, or a day, or a week – we keep it alive and syncable for our users… FOREVER.

When we pick a series, we stick with it for the season, come hell or high water.  So it’s imperative that we try our best to make the right choices upfront.  We are excited to report that, in August, we chose well enough to have covered 17 or the top 25 social TV shows as tracked and reported by SocialGuide Intelligence.   Sidecastr covered episodes that made the list include various XXX Summer Olympics Primetime events (NBC), Teen Wolf (MTV), Awkward (MTV), and the top episode of the month, the finale of Pretty Little Liars (ABCFam).

If you missed any of these or just want to watch them with the social stream in playback mode, you can find them on Sidecastr for iPad